Saturday, December 21, 2013

Beads In Transit

Dua belas hari yang lalu toko online fav aku mengadakan acara 12 Giveaways 12 Sales of Christmas dan program itu berhasil menjebol kartu kreditku *screaaamming* Godaan yang sungguh sungguh susah untuk dihindari. Setelah sekian lama menahan diri untuk berbelanja sewajarnya, akhirnya dibulan terakhir 2013 pertahananku runtuh. Dan apakah layak pertahanan aku runtuh untuk manik manik dibawah ini? Mohon komentar kalian ya. Kalau memang layak, berarti aku melakukan kesalahan 'sedikit saja' *wink* tapi kalau menurut kalian tidak layak, maka ini akan menjadi motivasi tersendiri buatku untuk masa kedepan. Sekali lagi, mohon pendapatnya ya...

Twelve days ago my fav online shop hold event 12 Giveaways 12 Sales of Christmas and the programs succeeded to 'hack' my credit card * screaaamming * The temptation was really hard to avoid. After a long time try to refrain and stay with normal shopping budget , finally on the last month of 2013, my defenses collapsed. And is it worthy my defense collapsed for these beads? Please comment from you. If it is worthy, then I made 'little' a mistake * wink * but if you think these are not worthy, then this will be its own motivation for me for next time in the future. Once again, your opinion please ...





  1. kaga salah mak.. as long as tagihan cc dibayar full... wkwk...
    czech glass beads-nya bagi dong maakkk.. xixixi...
    anyway, selama masih mampu, sanggup dan pastinya tidak sampai mengesampingkan kebutuhan hidup yg utama, ngga ada kata limited budget buat hobi... menurut gw sih gitu mak... :)

    1. ihhh Makkk...ini barang belum dateng, so misua belum tau Mak. Ntar kalau sudah berdatangan, dia paling ngelongok sambil "terruuuussss, mau makan manik manik ya" =D
      Dibayar sich pasti dibayar Mak, tapi pasti ada sisi post lain yg musti dikurangi. Namanya juga 'kebobolan' wkwkwkwk
      Buat Czech Beads-nya, memang bbrp sengaja beli buat kulakan tunggu tanggal mainnya ya...

    2. si meihoa pernah kirim yg beginian mak
      ish cakeeeeeeepppp... wlopun kecik... gw boros2in mak.. hahaha.... pan gw mah klo punya manik cakep kaga betah.. maunya diabisin aja.. :v :v :v

  2. You have a great sense of humour. I've laughed a lot. My honest opinion is that one cannot be a beader without beads, so unless you make your own ones or you get them for free, you will have to buy them. I've recently came across an interview to Leslie Rogalski who said that if you want to take your level of artistry you'll have to build a ginormous stasth. In case you want to read it, I'm putting the link ( Have a great weekend, Ana

    1. Thanks Ana *hug*
      The thing is I like to 'collect' beads and it becomes another trouble for me cause I must prepare another space for new beads =D

  3. I think it's very good investment and worth every penny when you spend your money on beads. You deserved to be called a “Beadaholique " :-D
